Phone: (42) 242 6800
Address: Carrera 467, San Ignacio
Maria Ward Polyvalent High School
"Learn more to serve better"
Beneficio, durante el año escolar, de productos alimenticios (según corresponda) a estudiantes en condiciones de desventaja social, económica, psicológica o biológica; que cursen Educación Pre Básica, Básica o Media; en establecimientos educacionales adscritos al Programa, con la finalidad de aportar a los requerimientos nutricionales de cada etapa y facilitar la incorporación y permanencia en el sistema educacional.
Programa de Alimentación Escolar (PAE)
The concept of school aid was established in the country from the Government of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, when the General Directorate of Primary Education and the Communal Boards of School Aid were created. These Boards were made responsible for the promotion and organization of school feeding services and other assistance to public school students, this was the first advance to reach what is now known as the National Board of Aid and Scholarships, JUNAEB .
Promote the maintenance and success in the educational system of girls, boys and young people in a condition of social, economic, psychological and/or biological disadvantage, providing for this comprehensive quality products and services that contribute to making equal opportunities effective, human development and social mobility.