Phone: (42) 242 6800
Address: Carrera 467, San Ignacio
Maria Ward Polyvalent High School
"Learn more to serve better"
School Integration Program - PIE
The School Integration Program (PIE) is a strategy of the school system, raised by the Ministry of Education, whose objective is to contribute to the continuous improvement of the quality of education, favoring the presence in the classroom, the participation and the achievement of the learning of each and every one of the students, especially of those who present a special educational need, either Permanent or transient.
Special Educational Needs are those in which a student requires greater support, whether human, material or educational, for their development and learning.
SEN treated at the facility
Permanent SEN are: Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Motor Disorder, Visual Disability, Multiple Disorders.
Transient SEN of a transitory nature: Specific Language Impairment, Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Specific Learning Difficulty, Attention Deficit Disorder.
Specialist teachers
support professionals
Psychologist: María Paz Sepúlveda
Social workers: Pamela Valdés – Carolina Riquelme
Speech therapist: Oscar Albán
Kinesiologist: Carolina Quezada
Differential education assistant: Pamela Muñoz